
How Many Repetitions To Learn A Skill

Adequate Learning Vs Overlearning: How Many Repetitions Is Enough?

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You know those happy moments in the practice room when y'all feel a tiny breakthrough, and after having struggled for a while, can finally hitting that high note, get the shift in melody, or produce that overnice articulate sound exactly like you hear it in your head?

Feels like cause for commemoration, correct?

Well, equally a kid, I would advantage myself for my achievement by putting my violin down and taking a practice suspension. Which would sometimes stretch into the next solar day…

Information technology seemed like a reasonable enough matter to do at the time. Just now that I have kids, seeing them move on after just one successful repetition of a skill kind of drives me nuts. I mean, yous become through your Tae Kwon Practice pattern without incident just once, and you're prepare to move on? What?!!

Shouldn't you be able to do it correctly at least twice in a row before moving on? And wouldn't iii perfect reps in a row be even better? What about five? Or maybe seven?

Of form, at some point, more isn't really better, and is but a waste product of time and energy. But where do you hit the point of diminishing returns? How many repetitions is "enough?"

Acceptable learning vs. overlearning

Earlier we explore some of the studies in this area, let'southward take a quick wait at a couple key terms or concepts start.

Say you are working on a passage and go along having memory glitches or play a few notes out of tune, but with a flake of work, finally get through the tricky spots without incident.

If at this point you moved on to a new skill or passage, you would have engaged in what'southward called "adequate" learning. Because sure, you presumably ironed out the problem area, and reached a certain level of proficiency, simply didn't become above and beyond that point.

If, however, y'all continued to work on the passage, and put in boosted do repetitions beyond the betoken of reaching proficiency, you would accept engaged in "overlearning."

Surprisingly, I didn't come across as much research on overlearning as I would accept expected to detect, but it does seem that there are some benefits – particularly in the area of retention.

Sustaining skills over time

For instance, a US Army report followed the learning curve of 38 reservists who were trained in how to disassemble and assemble an M60 automobile gun. A control group expert until they could achieve ane error-gratis performance 1 . An "overlearning" group practiced until the same betoken, and then some (specifically, their preparation was extended by however many repetitions it took them to get to an error-free level 2 ; and then if it took them 30 tries to get it right, they did a total of sixty repetitions iii ). A third group proficient until proficiency, and four weeks after, had a "refresher" session where like the overlearning group, they did every bit many repetitions every bit it took for them to get it right in the first session.

8 weeks later their initial training session, all three groups were tested on their M60 disassembly/associates performance.

How'd they do?

As you tin imagine, both the overlearning group and refresher group outperformed the control group at the 8-week marking (by 65% and 57%, respectively). And while their performance at viii weeks was pretty similar, in that location were some meaningful differences between the ii, which suggests that overlearning may have been a more effective approach overall.

The overlearning group not only executed the skill (more often than not) flawlessly during their extended preparation time, but they too got faster, cut 12.74 seconds off their fourth dimension (189.6 to 152.two seconds) from their offset fault-free performance to their concluding practice attempt of the day. To me, this speaks to greater automaticity of the skill – the ability to perform the skill more efficiently and effectively without having to recall 1's way through every pace.

Past comparison, the refresher group had forgotten quite a flake by the time they had their refresher course 4 weeks subsequently, averaging more than 5 errors on their first practice effort. In fact, most of the soldiers failed to consummate an error-gratis trial earlier the end of their refresher grooming session, and the overlearning group demonstrated better functioning after viii weeks of not touching an M60, than the refresher group did after 4 weeks.

Which suggests that overlearning leads to gains that last longer than simply practicing up to the "proficient plenty" signal.

Surgical grooming

In some other study, 20 surgical residents were tasked with practicing a common gall float removal procedure.

Everyone practiced the procedure 4 until they reached "proficiency" which was defined as achieving a score of fourscore. Once they reached proficiency, 10 of the residents did no further practice of the skill. Meanwhile, the other 10 residents continued to practice, putting in equally many repetitions every bit it took for them to accomplish the score of 80 in the first place (i.eastward. 100% overlearning).

To run into how much of an bear upon the overlearning had, both groups were tested 1, 4, and 12 weeks later, and evaluated on their simulator score, how long it took for them to perform the procedure, and accuracy.

How'd they do?

Overall, the overlearning group appeared to larn the procedure and retain their skills better, outperforming the "adequate-learning" group past an average score of 76 vs. 68, while making fewer mistakes and completing the procedure near 20% faster.

So while extra practice does take more time and effort in the brusk term, information technology seems to have benefits in the long run. And like the soldiers in the previous study, the overlearning group'due south ability to perform the procedure faster suggests a higher level of automaticity.

Like the departure between a capable but hesitant new driver on their learner's let, and an experienced cabbie who tin navigate city traffic and parallel park without a second thought. I mean, if your toe accidentally got chopped off while preparing Thanksgiving dinner , there'due south no question about which commuter yous'd want taking y'all to the infirmary, right?

How much overlearning is enough?

While overlearning seems to be a proficient thing, it's not so clear how much overlearning is all-time. More than seems to be improve, but there is a point of diminishing returns. Where doing more takes a ton of fourth dimension and energy, just yields relatively picayune gain. Besides, overlearning for the sake of overlearning can lead to mindless, ineffective practice, which could practise more harm than good.

In that location does seem to exist some evidence that 50% overlearning is the minimum to become some do good (i.e. if, for case, it took y'all 10 repetitions to achieve proficiency, you'd do an additional 5 repetitions past that point, for a total of fifteen reps). So if you're going to give this a try, that might be the best place to start, in terms of minimizing friction and resistance.

And 100% overlearning appears to requite usa more bang for our cadet than 150% or 200% overlearning. So ultimately, 100% may exist a good target to aim for in the long run (e.g. if it took you 10 reps to reach proficiency, you'd practice 10 more, for 20 total).

What I like virtually about the idea of overlearning though, is how the overlearning protocol could potentially increase motivation and focus during do.

Because if you know that the corporeality of overlearning y'all accept to do is a role of how many practice repetitions information technology takes to work a passage upwardly to proficiency in the commencement identify, wouldn't y'all exist really motivated to exercise in a much more than thoughtful, deliberate style? Where instead of mindlessly doing 1 repetition after another, you problem-solve in the near efficient and effective fashion yous can, so as to reach that minimum level of proficiency in the fewest possible repetitions?

Then the side by side fourth dimension my kids are slopping through their Tae Kwon Do patterns, perchance this will be a twist that could boost their motivation to buckle down and make each repetition count. Then over again, they're pretty crafty petty buggers, and have foiled near of my attempts to "psychology" them in the past…


  1. On boilerplate, information technology took each soldier virtually 30 minutes to reach error-costless performance
  2. This is known every bit 100% overlearning. Engaging in half as many repetitions as it takes to reach the target level of proficiency is known equally 50% overlearning, and so on.
  3. In general, it took an extra 15-20 minutes for soldiers to complete their extended training
  4. Don't worry! They practiced on a simulator – non existent people.

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24 Responses

  1. Every bit Jeff Foxworthy once said, "I hate a smart child" (his girl who'd have a snappy comeback to something he said – it kind of comes with existence the child of a comedian, I suppose).

    I feel like there's a pop quote somewhere that goes to the effect of "Learn it, and then acquire it once more". This ties in to stuff covered earlier about how merely getting it right in one case isn't going to cut it by any standard. It's interesting now that we have some numbers about simply how _much_ to drill it in afterward that 1 successful take, even if they're merely guesses at this indicate. I would exist very interested in further research in this area, though I'd bet my bottom dollar the threshold of max overlearning do good would vary from person to person…

  2. for quite some time at present i've had the feeling that once i reached the point of "got it" for a particular passage or piece, if i stopped and moved to something else i wouldn't have ingrained it plenty. and so i'd seize with teeth the bullet and try it again. ordinarily it would accept me a couple or more attempts to get it right a 2d time. then i'd try it once more until i got information technology correct, and eventually, with more nauseating repetition i'd be able to exercise information technology two times in a row without error.

    just why stop then, when i could literally do information technology a few zillion more than times until i could do an infinite number of repetitions without error? just i'one thousand but flesh and blood, so usually i will stop before even reaching the two-times-in-a-row-perfectly point. i stop because i can feel my energy level and ability diminishing. it feels like i'm running out of some kind of mental free energy that will exit me in a zombie-like land if i continue. or maybe i'll only jump out the window and solve my problems once and for all…

    this article reminds me of how many variables there are surrounding this whole are of practice psychology, and that i'g not alone in facing these issues. tomorrow perchance things will be easier.

    many thanks, Noa, for some other idea-provoking and encouraging post.

    Gary Berlind/

  3. Nicely washed – as usual. On a macro level, I'grand wondering if teachers feel a need to "move on" too. Once a student "gets" a piece, it's time to move on the another. Possibly the pupil or their parents are tired of it; or in that location was an exhausting sprint to be ready for a contest or competition. In some cases, this just might be when real learning tin can brainstorm.

    Isn't there a saying along the lines of: "Amatures practise until they get it right; pros practice until they can't get it incorrect."?

    Give thanks you!

    1. Great article, give thanks y'all! I too move on as a teacher at this point to keep the student motivated and I sacrifice perfection for progress. It is hard to know if this is the all-time strategy just I believe and hope information technology is.

      I thought this commodity was going to be about the decay of a piece of music after it has achieved "perfection", for example preparing for a recital every bit a pupil and technique becoming sloppy. What is the danger of this happening, or is this just a student phenomenon?

      1. Hi Rebecca,

        Yep, perfection is substantially an unachievable standard, so I call back it'due south best to get for "optimal" and movement on. It's e'er possible to circle back and make things better in iterative cycles anyhow, and motivation (and keeping things feeling "fresh") is key.

  4. Hi Noa
    Interesting read. In my musical do i piece of work on a slice until I get it perfect. At that signal I try to play it through perfectly 3 more times . Each time I have even the smallest error I return to 0 times and start again. Its very enlightening to run into how much your concentration can wander especially during the 3rd repitition. I detect this method works for me, YMMV.

  5. I read a volume about practise habits. It said that you practice until you can play the phrase correctly 5 out of seven times. Doesn't sound like much, right? But the focus required is more intense over the time it takes to do the five out of vii so it does seem to be a magic number. Too the author said that if you are not "hands" reaching that goal you lot have either not figured out the fingerings or you lot are working beyond your capabilities and you should back off.
    Every bit far as memory goes the 5 out of 7 works for me, but "your mileage may vary."

  6. Thank you Noa for the very interesting post.
    Well, this comes somewhat in contraddiction with some of your previous posts nigh interleaved and variant vs. blocked practice. It seems after all that some moderate blocked do in the early on stages of learning a slice or new skill is beneficial…

    1. Hi Konstantine,

      Astute observation. Yeah, I wondered about this too when reading through the studies.

      There does seem to be some indication that blocked practice tin can be helpful in before stages of learning a skill. And in these studies in particular, in that location was only i skill being learned, and in only one single practice session. So it'southward a footling tricky to try to generalize to what would piece of work best when nosotros are learning multiple skills (or pieces) over the class of days and weeks of regular practise.

      I'm certain there are personal differences besides, simply for me, I'1000 a piffling uncomfortable moving on from something afterward achieving the first successful trial of the skill. Seems that there's too much luck that could have been involved. It'southward nice to be able to practise it at least twice in a row so you lot know it wasn't a fluke the showtime time.

  7. I am curious about the relation between overlearning and spaced (interleaved?) repetition. Don't know if there's already an respond for how to combine the two or when to employ which one, only I would gauge that this overlearning practice would work improve for new material, while the interleaved could be apply to become better retention on material that you lot've already (over)learned. Time to practice, I guess!

    1. Howdy Max,

      That's what I'k thinking too. Overlearning when something is actually new to see if yous can figure information technology out, so interleaved to get better at retrieving the verbal sequence of motor movements the first fourth dimension (not the 2nd or 3rd or 5th time).

  8. This is a great article. I kinda suspected equally much but dont e'er exercise the bailiwick to overtrain! Too ties in with the thought of building new connectiins in the brain.. if each perfect repetitiin is similar on connexion it makes sense to do more than and brand the learning more permanent, like building up strands of rope. Thanks Noa!

  9. Great post on an important topic. Information technology seems an unfortunate choice of terms to call an effective learning method "over learning" as it seems to imply the aforementioned kind of negativity and damage as "overdoing." I think it would exist more appropriate to call the typical approach "under learning" than to call this "over learning."

    I'm likewise curious about how this relates to the interleaved practice techniques that the previous commenter mentioned. I would imagine that when working through a trouble spot, 1 could "over practice" in the first session and then throughout the adjacent week or two interleave that passage throughout the do routine striving to achieve greater competency over time. In the military study above, I would bet that if the over practice group revisited the task periodically over the course of the adjacent 8 weeks in interleaved fashion they would have performed close to 100%.

    1. Hi Paul,

      Yes, that sounds like a good way to benefit from both practise strategies!

  10. My piano teacher always told me that I should motility onto the next bit simply when I can play the function I'm working on 3 times in a row.

    It sounds from this post like I could benefit from even more repetition. Nevertheless, 3 times in a row has worked as a pretty skilful "rule of thumb" so far. It has the advantage that you don't have to count every repetition.

  11. This is a not bad topic. To maintain your skills and develop them even further takes a lot of do, patience and discipline. Yous definitely have to be mature enough to know when to let something go or when to get it to the "adequate level" without wanting to have complete mastery over information technology.

    I estimate information technology also has to do with what your musical goals are, and how you're measuring/tracking your progress. I believe that setting goals for yourself and seeing the progress you're making can motivate yous and get yous in that location quicker.

  12. this is a great topic, and it reminds me of the onetime riddle virtually cottage cheese; " how did the guy who invented cottage cheese know when he was done?"

    actually, i recollect each musician has to figure it out for themselves. in that location are many factors involved, including the player'southward level of development, their goals and motivations of the moment, and their personal levels of musculus memory, music retention, intellectual memory, and visual memory available to the player. and that may even change over time for any given player.

    repetitions once a passage or piece is "nailed" tin can obviously strengthen each one of these four memories quite independently. then sometimes information technology can be like making 4 cottage cheeses at the same time.

    Gary Berlind/

  13. It's non at all clear how relevant a relatively uncomplicated procedure similar assembling a rifle has to do with playing an musical instrument. Putting together a gun is something a expressionless average man can learn how to do in a few days of bones training (mere hundreds of repetitions). Playing an instrument takes years of consistent practice (thousands or tens of thousands of repetitions) and requires coordinating a gaggle of precision skills. I'd be more comfy extrapolating the study to the results you can get education a student in the first few months of study.

    In that location is a style to run the experiment on oneself, though. Acquire a slice, and overlearn some segments and but practice until bare competence on others. Record the subjective observations (feelings of ease) and even errors.

  14. I tin say (afterwards more than than 35 years playing bass in a professional orchestra, we all learn differently. While some things are super piece of cake for i person, the next player over will find it hard. Whereas the person finding the one affair 'hard' will do something else super hands, while that aforementioned other actor, volition find it difficult. Again, nosotros are all wired differently. Every bit experienced players, nosotros discover that these same difficult passages continue coming back over time, so finding a way to internalize them (own it!) will make your life manner easier, once yous exercise.

    I accept institute that each student comes in with his/her ain gifts and challenges and in that location is no aforementioned pupil. But each student also trains us equally teachers to recognize or detect what worked, or what clicked to help that individual and over time, we recognize some of these similarities with others that come later them, which enable u.s.a. to recognize them, and so ably aid that next student.

  15. I'one thousand a drummer. I often work on coordination patterns that I can then use in beats, fills, solos, songs, etc. One thing I heard mentioned, just didn't see stressed, was the speed of execution. Like the "cottage cheese" riddle in a higher place, how fast is fast enough? I oft want to speed up patterns to my concrete limits and repeat them dozens of times in a row. This seems to make the patterns completely "concrete." At that bespeak, they just become a sound blueprint, much like speaking, where nosotros no longer have to retrieve nigh how we motility our mouths and modulate our breath to create it, and tin can then focus on what we're saying. This is different that playing a complete slice evidently, but is working scales or short runs faster than you might ever need them, doesn't seem like over-learning (I too dislike that term), but more like exactly what is needed to have your focus off the processes of what yous're doing, and allow your mind to oversee and direct the entirety of what y'all're playing.

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